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来源:本站原创发布时间:2018-02-28 19:34:52



这个冬天,美国人深陷于被流感支配的恐惧中,流感引发的咳嗽久治不愈,让很多美国人苦不堪言。就在这个时候,来自东方的小黑瓶——川贝枇杷膏就像是神丹妙药,打开了这帮歪果仁治疗咳嗽的新世界!到目前为止,川贝枇杷膏在美国人人疯抢,价格涨幅达到了55%。 今天的日常英语资讯我们来走进川贝枇杷膏走红事件。

川贝枇杷膏在美国走红卖脱销!网友:又想骗我做代购 (1).jpg


Alex Schwede, a New York architect who had a cough for more than 10 days, and he has shown no signs of improvement after eating a lot of pills. His girlfriend, who lived in Hong Kong 30 years ago, let him drink "Chuanbei Pei Pa Koa". About 15 minutes later, Alex not only improved her cough but even breathing also easier.

一位纽约建筑师Alex Schwede因为感冒引发的咳嗽连续10多天都不见好,在吃了很多药仍然没有好转迹象后,他曾经在30年前旅居香港的女友让他喝了“川贝枇杷膏”。大概15分钟后,Alex的不仅咳嗽大大好转,就连呼吸也没那么难受了......

Alex was shocked by "Chuanbei Pei Pa Koa", immediately sent a friend circle and told his relatives and friends that the magical effect of this small syrup. Excited, he also specifically told same coughing friends. So, according to everyone's word of mouth, Chuanbei Pei Pa Koa occupied the New York advertising circle, art circles, entertainment and hot topics very soon.


川贝枇杷膏在美国走红卖脱销!网友:又想骗我做代购 (2).jpg



网友Karl Franzmann:This is great stuff. Mostly it’s the honey in it that helps you talk again, but it tastes delicious too. Real old fashioned medicine taste.


网友Fanisa Amandihia:Not really using it for cold, but it definitely works for sore-throat and cough......Although I’ve tried mixing 1-2 tablespoons of Pei Pa Koa with hot water whenever I have a cold.


网友Bellas Meado:I get looked at funny when I ask for the pei pa koa but then I’d point to it&say it &then it was understood. Last time I went & brought them my last used bottle & asked if they had it but they were out... Ever since I had found this out from a college dormmate back in the early 2000’s & was able to use it then I’ve never stopped using it. Feeling better than even regular honey on a sore throat.



川贝枇杷膏在美国走红卖脱销!网友:又想骗我做代购 (3).jpg


A traditional Chinese medicine Cough Syrup suddenly became a new online celebrity in the United States. A bottle of 300 ml Chuan Bei Pei Pa Koa has been scrambled to $ 70 from $ 7 in the United States. As yesterday's exchange rate, it was equivalent to 441 yuan of each bottle. In china, a bottle of 150 ml Chuanbei Pei Pa Koa only sells 28.6 yuan, 300 ml sells 49.8 yuan. The most expensive cough and phlegm medicine is only 98 yuan, the price is really astounding by contrast.


Different with the Chinese people who know that "One-third of pharmaceutical drugs has nothing to dowith the physical." Chuanbei loquat cream lovers in the United States are obviously not satisfied with just taking it to deal with a cold and cough. Someone even carries loquat sugar and transferred it into loquat liquor or as a daily drink of "herbal tea."


川贝枇杷膏在美国走红卖脱销!网友:又想骗我做代购 (4).jpg



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