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来源:本站原创发布时间:2018-07-30 18:34:11




Quora精选:在中国生活有哪些优点是国外比不了的? (1).jpg


Your salary. I get paid pretty much equalto what I would in the USA($40-45k) as a history teacher at a local school,which includes a stipend forhousing and round-trip flight home every year...but my salary goes further here.


At home, I could hardly afford an apartment (I'm from New Jersey)because I hadstudent loans, car payments, car insurance, rent, utilities,etc.


Quora精选:在中国生活有哪些优点是国外比不了的? (2).jpg


The food. I left Shanghaifor a year for another job and that iswhat I missed most. All the regionalcuisines (Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Dongbei,Taiwanese, Xinjiang, Tibetan) aredelicious and fantastic. I can also get a widerange of international cuisineswithin 5km of my apartment (Thai, Vietnamese,Vegan, Organic,Japanese, French, Italian, Mediterranean, Spanish, Mexican,Turkish, Moroccan,Indian, Malaysian, Singaporean, etc. etc.) and, for the mostpart, arereasonably priced. 


Shanghai is more expensive than Beijing and peopleherealways complain about inflation, especially with cost of food. However,witheverything else being relatively cheap, I don't mind spending $15-30 onaWestern restaurant brunch which includes a bloody Maryor two... (not the fourstar crazy buffets... they are $80-100)

上海物价比北京更贵,这里的人也总是抱怨通货膨胀,尤其是在吃的上花费。然而,其他一切是相对便宜,我并不介意花15到30刀在一间西餐厅享受一个早午餐,来上一两杯鸡尾酒...(当然不是那些疯狂的四星级酒店自助餐......那得 80到100刀)

Quora精选:在中国生活有哪些优点是国外比不了的? (3).jpg


Convenience. You don't have time to clean your house or do yourlaundry? Hirean ayi (maid/nanny) ... Mine costs about $6/hr ... You don't wantto go to yourfavorite restaurant for dinner because the pollution is bad? Don'tworry, youcan have it delivered. There are many restaurant delivery serviceswhere youcan order online and someone goes to get your order from therestaurant andbrings it to you... 

便利。你没有时间打扫房间或洗衣服?可以请阿姨(保姆) ...只需花费 6刀每小时......你不想去你喜欢的餐厅吃饭,因为外面污染很重?别担心,你可以叫外卖。许多餐厅提供外卖服务,你可以在网上下单,就有人会送到你手上...

You don't want to go to theforeign supermarket?You can orderonline and have it delivered. You don't want to go to the store tobuy bottledwater? You can have it delivered. You don't want to spend $100s on anew suit?Bring a picture to the fabric market and they'll make it for $10s. Youwant todo a juice cleanse? You can buyone and have it delivered to you everyday. You can get a lot of things donefor you if you know how... And the listkeeps growing!


Quora精选:在中国生活有哪些优点是国外比不了的? (4).jpg


Culture/Language.Living in the middle of Shanghai means that I interactwith the local cultureevery day. I've learned to read and speak enough Mandarinto haggle in markets,order in restaurants, talk to taxi drivers, haveconversations about where I'mfrom and what I do, navigate around the city, etc.It can be very frustratingsometimes, and I know if you are in your expatbubble, you don't even have to speakany Mandarin at all, but I like what I'veexperienced.


I speak Mandarin everyday and as a history teacher, I find livingand experiencing the changes inChina to be fascinating. You can see the impactthe past has had on the currentgovernment and how the economic changes arepaving the way for a new China toemerge... it's great to be here and experienceall of the energy...




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