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来源:本站原创发布时间:2018-07-11 19:04:20



据外媒报道,彭博亿万富豪指数统计显示,截至美东时间7月7日收盘,Facebook CEO扎克伯格的个人身家超越了巴菲特,成为该指数榜单第三名,仅次于亚马逊创始人贝索斯和微软联合创始人比尔·盖茨。这也是首次全球前三大富豪全部来自科技行业。下面来看看外媒的详细报道。

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Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook Inc., has surpassed Warren Buffett to become the world's third millionaire. He also has further strengthened the impression of high-tech companies in the investment market, that the technology sector is the main creator of wealth.

Facebook Inc.的联合创始人马克·扎克伯格已经超越了 沃伦·巴菲特成为全球第三大富豪,也进一步强化了投资市场上对高科技公司的印象:技术领域是财富的主要创造者。

* 富豪 millionaire

  印象 impression

  超越 surpass

Zuckerberg’s personal assets are only behind Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos ($142 billion) and Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates ($94.2 billion). According to the Associated Press, on Friday, as Facebook's share price climbed 2.4%, Buffett suddenly retired from the top three in the wealth list.

扎克伯格的个人资产,仅落后于亚马逊公司的创始人杰夫·贝索斯(1420亿美元)和微软公司的联合创始人比尔·盖茨(942亿美元)。据美联社报道,周五随着Facebook的股价攀升2.4% ,巴菲特黯然退出财富榜前三。

* 个人资产 personal asset

  股价 share price

For the first time, the three richest people in the world are all from technology companies, and there are no traditional giants such as real estate and energy. They are the creators of modern high-tech companies. Zuckerberg, 34, is worth $81.6 billion, more than $373 million from Berkshire, the 87-year-old chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.


* 房地产 real estate 

Zuckerberg’s assets are mainly due to the continued support of investors for Facebook. Social media giants have shaken off the adverse effects of the privacy data crisis. Some time ago, the scandal hit Facebook’s share price and pushed it to near on March 27. The lowest point in 8 months is $152.22. Last Friday, it closed at a record $203.23.


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Berkshire Hathaway CEO Buffett's personal net assets continued to decline, mainly because he is constantly conducting charitable donations. In 2010, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Buffett launched the "The Giving Pledge" program to promote the world's richest people to join the charitable donation team. Most of the wealth is used for charity.

伯克希尔哈撒韦首席执行官巴菲特个人净资产的持续下滑,主要是因为他在不断的进行慈善捐赠活动。遭在2010年,微软联合创始人比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)和与巴菲特共同发起“捐赠誓言(The Giving Pledge)”计划,旨在促成全球最富有的人加入慈善捐赠的队伍,将自己绝大部分的财富用于慈善事业。

* 下降 decline

  慈善捐赠 charitable donation

Among his net assets, 98% are held by Facebook stocks. In addition, Zuckerberg has a $9 million home in Palo Alto, Calif., and an island worth about $100 million in Hawaii.

在他的净资产当中,98%均为所持的Facebook股票。此外,扎克伯格还在加州帕罗奥多(Palo Alto)拥有一幢市值约900万美元的住宅,以及在夏威夷拥有一个市值约1亿美元的岛屿。

* 股票 stock

Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, established the Chen-Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation and announced that it will donate 99% of Facebook to the Foundation for education, health care, and education. Investment in housing, immigration reform and criminal justice reform.

扎克伯格与妻子普莉希拉·陈(Priscilla Chan)成立“陈-扎克伯格倡议”基金会,并宣布将把99%的Facebook捐赠给该基金会,旨在对教育、医疗、主房、移民改革和刑事司法改革方面进行投资。

* 移民 immigration



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